Law Firms and AI

Sep 28, 2023

There’s been a lot in the press over the past year or so about the impact that AI (Artificial Intelligence) will have on the world of work and much on AI in the legal sector.

I recently attended the Alternative Legal Management Summit and attended a fascinating presentation on how AI may affect law firms, listening to AI experts and law firm managers talking about what we should expect. I’m excited about software that will compare documents and internally proof a document to spot errors. It’s easy to define “Business Days” at the start of a document and several iterations later add in a clause that specifies “Working Days”.

Of course, nothing should go out to a client before it’s been checked by a real person!

One of the tools that was discussed was Chat GPT, so I downloaded the app and asked it to “Write an article on law firms using ChatGPT”. In about 30 seconds it came up with the following article:


Title: Revolutionizing the Legal Landscape: How Law Firms Are Harnessing the Power of Chat GPT


In today’s fast-paced, technology-driven world, the legal industry is not immune to the transformative power of artificial intelligence (AI) and natural language processing (NLP). One of the most notable advancements in this regard is the integration of chatbots powered by GPT (Generative Pre-trained Transformer) models into law firms. These intelligent virtual assistants are changing the way legal professionals work, providing innovative solutions to common challenges and enhancing client services. This article explores how law firms are using Chat GPT to streamline their operations and improve client experiences.

Understanding Chat GPT

Chat GPT, built upon models like GPT-3, is a cutting-edge NLP technology that can generate human-like text based on the input it receives. It can understand context, answer questions, and engage in coherent, natural conversations. This capability makes it an ideal tool for law firms looking to leverage AI for various tasks.

  1. Enhanced Customer Service

One of the primary ways law firms are utilizing Chat GPT is by implementing AI-powered chatbots on their websites. These virtual assistants are available 24/7 to provide immediate responses to client inquiries, such as basic legal questions, appointment scheduling, and initial case evaluations. This not only improves the overall client experience but also frees up human staff to focus on more complex legal tasks.

  1. Legal Research and Document Review

Legal research can be time-consuming and often requires sifting through volumes of information. Chat GPT can quickly access and summarize legal precedents, statutes, and case law, significantly reducing the time lawyers spend on research. Moreover, it can assist in document review by identifying relevant information and potential issues within contracts and legal documents.

  1. Automated Contract Generation

Drafting contracts and legal documents is a crucial aspect of legal practice. Chat GPT can assist in automating this process by generating draft agreements based on predefined templates and client-specific information. Lawyers can then review and customize these drafts, saving valuable time and reducing the risk of errors.

  1. Streamlined Client Intake and Onboarding

Chat GPT can facilitate the client onboarding process by collecting necessary information and forms from clients in a conversational manner. This ensures that law firms have all the essential details they need to start working on a case efficiently, reducing administrative overhead.

  1. Compliance and Due Diligence

Maintaining compliance with ever-evolving legal regulations is essential for law firms. Chat GPT can assist in monitoring regulatory changes, alerting firms to updates that may impact their clients, and conducting due diligence checks more efficiently.

Challenges and Considerations

While Chat GPT offers significant benefits to law firms, there are challenges to consider:

  1. Data Privacy and Security: Law firms must ensure that client data shared with chatbots is secure and compliant with privacy regulations.
  2. Ethical Considerations: Maintaining ethical standards in the legal profession is crucial. Using AI responsibly and transparently is essential to avoid potential ethical dilemmas.
  3. Limitations: Chat GPT, while powerful, is not a substitute for the expertise of legal professionals. It should be used as a tool to enhance, not replace, human judgment.


The integration of Chat GPT into law firms is a game-changer in the legal industry. It empowers lawyers to be more efficient, provide better client service, and stay up-to-date with legal developments. However, it’s important for law firms to approach AI integration thoughtfully, addressing privacy, ethics, and limitations. As AI technology continues to advance, law firms that embrace these innovations will likely have a competitive edge in delivering legal services in the 21st century.


I want to make it very clear that I did not write the above article and I am certainly not recommending or endorsing it, but to my untutored eye, it looks pretty convincing. If I can generate an article in 30 seconds, I am certainly excited about what AI holds in store for the legal sector. I don’t think that we should be worried that robots will replace us. It will add quality (if used and checked correctly) and may remove some of the more tedious tasks that we have to undertake.

Mark Briegal

September 2023


Law Firms and AI